Or phrased in a better way, how to install Clash of Clans (CoC) on a PC without being asked to fill in scam surveys, and unwittingly, letting in tons of viruses into your computer? Well, first, you ignore all those sites that claim that you can download the PC/Mac desktop version of Clash of Clans. Those will lead you to tons of viruses. As CoC has only ever been released for Android and iOS, the only legitimate ways to play them are on Android and iOS.
So how do you play COC on a PC/Mac desktop then? By using an emulator, of course! And the easiest way to do this is to get an Android emulator that can emulate Android on a PC. There are many Android emulators on the market. Many are meant for Android developers to test out their Android apps on the PC, and not all of them are free.
There are emulators like Bluestacks, Genymotion (FREE, but difficult to set up for end users, and no Play Store out-of-the-box), etc. For this guide, I will only show you how to install Bluestacks on the PC, simply because it is easy to install CoC on this emulator, and you also get Google's Play Store running out-of-the-box. No need to hunt for it on your own. However, if you feel adventurous, feel free to explore the other emulators too.
So, are you ready?
Installing Bluestacks on a Windows PC (OR Intel x86 Windows tablet):
-You must be an Administrator on your Windows PC.
-RAM: 2GB (minimum).
-Storage: >9GB available/free disk space for storing Android apps/games and their data.
- Get Bluestacks from here: http://www.bluestacks.com/download.html
Download it, start the online installer, and then wait for it to do its work.
2) Open Bluestacks, and find the Search icon at the top left of your emulator. Type "Clash of Clans" into it to start searching. Click on the Clash of Clan icon, and wait a while for the download and installation to be ready.
3) After Clash of Clans is installed, and your Google account linked to this new device, it's time to set up the on-screen keyboard:
Click on the Home button, and then on the Bluestacks Settings icon at the top where the Search icon is. Next, click on "Select IME", and then choose "Enable OnScreen Keyboard". Now, go back, start CoC, and confirm that you can type in the chat box within CoC.
That's it! Happy Clashing!
*Bluestacks reversed screen width and height problem:
I have some problem with Bluestacks’ screen orientation as I am not exactly on a desktop, but rather, on a Teclast Intel Atom tablet that can act as a desktop when I connect the HDMI-out to an external monitor. If your Bluestacks seemed to have confused your screen's width and height, then you may have the same problems many have faced. If so, go here: http://itekblog.com/change-bluestacks-app-player-resolution/, and have a look at the solution. Or just google for “Bluestacks change screen width height registry”.
I had to reverse my width and height. For the record, I had them set to 720 (GuestWidth & WindowWidth) and 860 (GuestHeight & WindowHeight).
**About the Bluestacks emulator:
Bluestacks is one of the top emulators, and is good for gaming, and the occasional Android app that is unavailable for your desktop. Its interface is a bit different from standard Android, and after a while, it requires you to download sponsored apps/games for it to remain free. Fortunately, all I have to do is just click OK, and it allows me to continue using it for free even though I have never launched the downloaded app/games. For our purpose, it will be more than good enough.
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