
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pearly Penile Papules Removal

Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalis, aka Hirsuties Coronae Glandis, or more commonly known as Pearly Papules (or Pearly Penile Papules [PPP]), are unwanted small bumps or skin tags that appear like a string of pearls, as one or several rows around the rim of the the penis head. They are normally skin colored or white, with a diameter between 1mm to 3mm. By some unconfirmed estimate, they affect a fifth of the male population, although that may just have been speculation.

I have Pearly Penile Papules (PPP), what does that mean?

The good news about them is that they are NOT Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD/STDs), NOT Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI/STIs) or Venereal Diseases (VD). Although they may be mistaken for STDs, they are considered a human anatomy variation, and is not contagious. That means that there is no chance you will be able to pass it to a sex partner.

They not related to sexual activity, and there is also no link between them and bad personal hygiene even though personal hygiene in that area is a good thing as that is one of the causes of another penis affliction - penis pimples. But if the penis bumps or domes have open wounds or disharges, itches, or cause any irritation then they are NOT Pearly Penis Papules. They are something else.***

They form deeper in the skin tissue, and may take up to four years to fully form on the surface. But once you have them, they remain with you unless you take action to remove them.

Studies have shown that they appear more often in younger men, and those who are uncircumcised. They are likely to appear suddenly in men below 40 years of age. Some got them early, from as early as 12 years of age, when they were teenagers. So if you are reading this, and do not have them, do not start laughing at those who have this until you are well above middle age.

Pearly Penile Papules Removal

What causes Pearly Penile Papules?

The cause for Pearly Penile Papules is still unknown. In the past, these bumps may have provided extra stimulation for the opposite sex during the mating process, kind of like what you can find in adult toys - but in our current lifetime where STDs like AIDS, genital warts, and herpes are prevalent, they scare the hell out of most people who have not heard about them before hand. So they are a no no in our society. Men who have them shy away from telling their friends about Pearly Penile Papules. This may explain why even in our time where the general population are very well educated about STDs, a lot of people are still unaware of them.

What do they look like?
If you are unsure of whether you have PPP or what they looked like, open Google in a new tab and search for Pearly Penile Papules. I have made this easy for you. Click the link prior to this, and then after it opened in a new tab, click on the Images tab at the top of the Google search content, and ogle at the images there. Within the top 6 rows, you should be able to see lots of pictures of this anatomy variation, kindly provided by Google.

You should NEVER try to burn, cut, grind, pick, or squeeze the Pearly Penile Papules. Let me say that in another way. DO NOT even pick or squeeze them, as this could lead to infection, and even scarring.

How do you explain Pearly Penile Papules to a woman?

The worse part about having Pearly Penile Papules is that when your partner or partner-to-be sees it, they might freak out. As such, they may lower a person's self-image as penile papules affect how others perceive them. Having said that, there are people who are not affected by this, and they do not care about removing them as they have partners who understand their affliction.

Women are themselves not immune to Hirsuties papillaris genitalis (PPP) because there is a similiar condition affecting women called Vestibular Papillomatosis of the Vulva or Hirsuties Papillaris Vulvae.

***Similiar conditions often mistaken for Pearly Penile Papules:
Penis pimple (penis acne), Fordyce Spots (aka Fordyce's Spots) or Sebaceous Prominence.

(Work in progress) ...

Do I really need to remove them?
No, they are harmless. There are people who have partners on long term relationship who are ok with them, and they live normal lives. But if you are someone who seeks a lot of partners, and into short term relationships, then you may want to remove them as you will need time to slowly explain to your partners what Pearly Penile Papules are.

To remove or not to remove: depends on whether it affects your self-confidence, and whether you can explain them for what they are to your partner.
Remove PPP if: You don't feel good about it, you are into short-term relationships, etc.
Ignore PPP if: You have a partner who understands your situation, and you don't think they are a problem.

What are the medically accepted method of removal?
There are many methods available. Among the most popular are:
1. CO2 laser treatment using CO2 laser vaporization, which is expensive, and can cost thousands of dollars. They are usually performed by a dermatologist, taking only a few minutes to perform. This is outpatient treatment, and it does not require hospital stay. The patient can expect to be able to be back to normal within days, if there are no complications.

2. Electrosurgery performed with a hyfrecator (portmanteau of “high-frequency eradicator"). This takes less than an hour. The patient can expect
to be able to recover within days, and fully heal within 2 weeks or so, provided there are no medical complications.

A good doctor will generally discourage you from removing PPP unless necessary due to possible medical complications.

As you may have suspected, laser vaporization does not sound friendly, especially not in that particular area. You may have wanted to laser vaporise some Tie-Fighters in Star Wars as a kid. Not laser vaporise something in your sensitive area. No.

That is why people have gone through them and then complained of complications. That being the case, before you take the plunge, you should consider other methods.

What are some of the other alternate/home removal methods?

Not all of the following traditional methods will work for you. Some people swear by them while others say they don't work.

A. Abrasive/Harsh methods of removal:

You will not be the first to think of using chemicals or heat to burn off these penis bumps. People have came up with using soldering iron heat, wart remover, ammonia, bleach (chlorine), ammonia, etc, just to avoid seeing the doctor, or to save some money. These are top of the list of Pearly Penile Papules removal methods you should avoid.

All these methods can cause infection, as well as scarring of the skin. If the scarring is deeper, it can affect the erectile function of the penis. Just think - even a little underwear abrasion or chafing can lead to the darkening of skin tissue in the crotch - and the penis and scrotum is more sensitive than that.

You are advised against using these methods as you do not want to be unwittingly part of the self-inflicted genital mutilation statistics. I will not enjoy reading about you or any crazy person doing harm to his penis as it can cause some part of me to go "Ouch"! So beware of any sites promoting these barbaric and outdated methods.

B. Soft methods of removal:
This may involve the use of natural herbal oils or ointments to soften the papules by drying them out. These includes:
-Castor oil
-Eucalyptus oil ["oil of eucalyptus"] which has antiseptic properties

(Work in progress) ...

If you are looking for a safe method to do this, have a look at Pearly Penile Papules Removal. They have everything explained nicely for you. I would go for the soft methods of removal first. If it does not work for you, then there is always surgery as the last resort.

NOTE: Although PPP are proven to be harmless, the presence of any lumps or bumps near the reproductive organs should always be checked out by a medical professional. And that should be the first thing you do before you spend even a dime on anything on the internet to remove them. DO NOT delude yourself into thinking they are probably PPP even if they look the same. They may be the dreaded STDs. Get official confirmation first, then plan your next move.

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